Celtic Carmelites
A Prayer Community of the Celtic Rite Old Catholic Church
The Order of Celtic Carmelites you to consider joining our Community.
Those with a desire to join our Community must be a baptized Christian and at least eighteen years of age. In the Celtic tradition, this monastery welcomes both men and women, married or single.
Full membership in Grace Celtic Church (GCC) is not required for admittance to the Order, yet positions of administrative authority, spiritual direction, and Ordination are reserved for members of the GCC.
The formation consists of daily prayer and reflection on the Bible (particularly the New Testament, Psalms Proverbs), and study of Carmelite and Celtic Christian spirituality. The writings of Saint Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, and Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection provide a deep understanding of the Carmelite charism.
On your journey of formation, you will have a spiritual director from members of the Celtic Carmelites or Grace Celtic Church who will guide you in discerning your gifts as a servant of Jesus. We emphasize intimacy with the Holy Trinity over intellectual prowess. Our Lord listens equally to the sincere prayers of the fisherman and the scholar.
Our course of study is tailored to the individual. We all are unique in our strengths and abilities. David exclaims in Psalm 139:14, "I will praise you; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are your works; and that my soul knows right well." We desire to help the men and women of our Community grow in assurance of the great love the Holy Trinity has for each of His children.
If you feel a desire to learn more about joining the Order of Celtic Carmelites, please fill out our guest book and a vocation director will be happy to contact you.
"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me" - Isaiah 6:8.