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News From our Order...

On October 15th, 2012 we welcomed Sr. Ita Dorothy into the Celtic Rite Order of Carmelites. Sister Ita Dorothy has exhibited great enthusiasm and a continual devotion of service to our community during her formation. We are blessed to include her as a full member of our fellowship.

We are encouraged by the increase in visits to our internet community and look forward to touching hearts and serving the Lord in our "little way" as we move forward. Please keep us in prayer.

On August 24, 2013, Brother Joe was ordained a priest in the Celtic Rite of the Old Catholic Church by +Bishop Thomas McKenna, who is the presiding Bishop of the Celtic Rite Father Joe's ordination is the beginning of a lifelong dream of serving the Lord Jesus Christ as a priest. Please pray his ministry will be fruitful and bring a great harvest to the Holy Trinity.

We are pleased to announce Brother Elisha was welcomed into the Order of Celtic Carmelites as a Novice on October 14th, 2013. With his extensive spiritual and educational background, we look forward to a short novitiate and full vesting into the Order as a Brother. Brother Elisha has amazing writing skills, and we are praying he will share insights on the website soon.

2018 has been a transitional year spiritually and theologically for our community. We remain members of the Celtic Rite Old Catholic Church, and Fr. Joe Schooler is committed to serve the needs of Catholics sacramentally. As Paul wrote that he had "become all things to all people in order to save some" so Father Joe believes there are a tremendous number of cultural Catholics who need to hear the good news of once-for-all salvation through the saving work of Christ on the Cross.

The commitment to preaching the gospel of Salvation through Christ alone along with the assurance of salvation for believers has shaken some members of the community who hold to the notion that a person's salvation is based on faith and works. The Celtic Carmelites have diligently studied arguments for and against both assertions and find compelling evidence throughout Scripture that Salvation is completely through the grace of God alone.

With such changes, we have lost members and the ministry is very small, yet we pray for an abundant harvest of prayer warriors who will choose to join our community.

Please pray for us.

"You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you,

because he trusts in you." Isaiah 26:3

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